Golf Swing Mechanics - Learn the Basic Golf Swing Mechanics

In order to play golf, one must learn of the mechanics involved. Know that there are two fundamentals concerning the correct golf swing. These two are the pre-swing fundamental and the swing fundamental. The pre-swing fundamental is about the set-up of your body. You must first know the correct posture of the body before you even try swinging. The set-up includes the body's alignment, the foot position, the ball position, your balance and the position of your arms and hands.

In alignment, you should position yourself parallel to the target line. Your feet should be shoulder width when in middle iron stance. The short iron stance, in contrast, should be at least two inches narrower. In the long iron stance, your feet should at least be two inches wider. The ball's position would depend from the golf club that you select. You should balance your weight on the balls of the feet. Your hands should be just slightly in front of your zipper. Your hand's distance from your body depends on the golf club you choose. Once you've mastered the set-up, you are now ready to swing.

There are three components concerning the swing: The body turn, the wrist hinge and the control area. You need to know the right way to turn your body along with the golf swing to create more power and thus have a more powerful swing. A good wrist hinge will relax your wrist and avoid injury. The control area is where you should hit the golf ball. Knowing precisely where to hit the ball will make the ball go to the direction you want to. With all these, you should now have enough knowledge and be able to begin practicing your golf swings.

Once you master the basic golf swing mechanics, you can then work on slightly more advanced techniques to improve your swing. But don't go too fast and take your time because the basics are the most important things to learn and the advanced techniques will take more time to master.



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